Creating Hyperlinks in Excel

The hyperlinks are useful for linking the other sheets or files and external URLs in cells of Excel. There is a number of ways for creating the Excel hyperlinks. Let us look at these ways one by one with examples.

The hyperlinks are useful for linking the other sheets or files and external URLs in the cells of Excel.

There are a number of ways to create Excel hyperlinks.

Let us look at these ways one by one with examples.

Create a hyperlink to a webpage by simplest way

For creating a link to a webpage in an Excel cell follow this.

One Simple Step:

Type the URL in a cell and press Enter. Excel should automatically create a hyperlink to that webpage. For example:

Excel hyperlinks

You can see that I created links by typing different texts. If you type, Excel will automatically create that URL.

If you start with http:// or https://, it will be converted to a link as well.

If you just type (without www or http:// or https://), Excel will not convert this into hyperlink automatically, as shown in A5 cell.

Create links by Hyperlink button to URL or files

You may create hyperlinks with many options by using the Insert --> Hyperlink button.

For that, select the cell where you want to create a hyperlink.

Now go to Insert in the ribbon and press the Hyperlink as shown below:

Excel Insert ribbon

You will see the Insert Hyperlink dialog:

insert link dialog

You can see many options there for creating hyperlinks to various targets including:

  • Existing file or web page
  • Place in the document
  • Create New document
  • Email address
You may also open the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog by right clicking on the cell and pressing “Hyperlink”.

First, let us create the hyperlink to the Existing file or web page; the first tab that is already opened.

Step 1:

Enter the text in the “Text to Display” textbox. This is the text that appears in the cell to be clicked by the user.

Step 2:

You may also create a screen tip that appears as the mouse hovers over the text in the cell. There, you may describe the purpose of the link etc. You may omit this if not important.

Step 3:

Below the “Text to display” textbox, you can see three more tabs for:

  • Current Folder
  • Browsed Pages
  • Recent Files

If you want to link to the content for any of the above options then click it. Upon clicking any content, it will appear in the “Address” box.

If you want to enter the URL/filename yourself, just type in the Address box as shown below:

create hyperlink excel

A link in the A2 cell should have been created with a screen tip as shown below:

create hyperlink google

Similarly, you may choose a file by pressing the “Recent Pages” or press the “Browse for File” button to locate other files in the system. Press Ok, and a link to that file in the system should be created.

You may link any type of file there e.g. text file, MS word file, another Excel document, a media file etc. Ensure that, as you open the “Browse” dialog, press “All files” adjacent to “File name” textbox.

By default, it displays only the office files.

An example of hyperlink to the specific location in an Excel sheet

Linking to the specific part of an Excel sheet is also quite common. For example, when referring to sales by salespersons, you may be required to open the detail sheet containing salesperson profiles.

Follow the steps below for creating the hyperlink to the specific range in Excel for the same workbook. After that, I will show you how to link to some other workbook.
Step 1:

Again, open the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog by Insert in the ribbon --> Hyperlink or right-click in the cell where you want to create the hyperlink and click Hyperlink as shown below:

create hyperlink right click

Step 2:

Now press the “Places in this document” tab:

hyperlink same workbook

If you look at the right side, two text boxes should be displayed. One for the entering text to display in the cell “Text to display”. Below this is the “Type the cell reference”.

You should see the list of all sheets that you have created in this workbook under the “Cell reference”. Select the sheet that you want to link.

Step 3:

In the “Type the cell Reference”, enter the cell that you want to link to in that selected sheet e.g. A1. Press OK and a link should be created with the given text to that sheet. If you click on that link, the focus will move from current sheet to the selected sheet’s specified cell.

Link to defined Names

You may also link to the defined names on another sheet. To create names containing multiple cells, select cells in the sheet that you want to link to and give it a name as shown below:

hyperlink linked names

The name can be given in the textbox adjacent to the formula bar. In the above graphic, the “linked” is the name for the A3 to A6 rows.

To link this named cell range,

  • Select the cell in your current sheet where you want to create the link and open Hyperlink dialog box by “Insert --> Hyperlink”.
  • Press the “Place in This Document” tab and select the “Defined Names” on the right side (shown below).
  • You should see the names there (as we just created “linked”). After selecting the name, press OK.

hyperlink linked names 2

A link in the selected cell should be created. If you click on that link, it will take to that named range in the sheet where you created it.

An example of creating a hyperlink to an email address

For creating a hyperlink linking to an email address, again go to the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box by right-clicking or from the Insert ribbon.

Press the “E-mail Address” under “Link to:”. There you can see text boxes for entering the:

  • Text to display
  • E-mail address
  • Subject
  • Recently used e-mail addresses

Enter the info and press OK.

Excel email hyperlink

This is how the link should be created in the selected cell:

Excel email hyperlink

As you click this email hyperlink, it should open in the default email program with the subject given in the “Insert Hyperlink” dialog box.

Did you know, you can use text as well as graphics that link to the web links, external files or same workbook's other style sheets as creating hyperlinks in Excel.

Creating a hyperlink by HYPERLINK function

You may also use the Excel HYPERLINK function for creating the links. Following is the syntax of using the HYPERLINK function:

HYPERLINK(link_location, [friendly_name])


Argument Description
Link_location Link_location can be a URL to a website or a path to the local drive containing that file, from the intranet, or it can point to the same sheet’s cell or a different sheet cell/ named range, etc.
  • The friendly name is the text that appears in the cell.
  • For example, “Open Annual Report”, “Click to open the link”, “Employee profile” etc.
  • It should describe the purpose of the hyperlink so you or other users may understand its usage easily.

See a few examples of using the HYPERLINK function in Excel.

Create a link to a URL by HYPERLINK

In the following example, the URL is provided for the Link_location argument. Have a look at the output and formula:

=HYPERLINK("", "Click to open the URL")

Excel HYPERLINK function

The Example of hyperlink in other spreadsheet’s cell

The following example shows the HYPERLINK formula for linking to another spreadsheet’s specific cell.

For example, the “Excel-formulas.xlsx” file is stored in the “D:\Excel-testing”.

See how the path is set in the HYPERLINK function along with accessing its “FindFormula” sheet and linking to its B5 cell.

So, as I click on the current sheet cell’s link, it will open the above Excel file and highlight the B5 cell in “FindFormula” sheet by using this formula:

=HYPERLINK("[D:\Excel-testing\Excel-formulas.xlsx]FindFormula!B5", "Open FIND sheet in another file")


HYPERLINK another file

Similarly, you may open the named range by using the HYPERLINK function. Suppose, we have a range name “ProductList” that contains A2 to B10 cells.

This is how the HYPERLINK formula will be used to link from a cell:

=HYPERLINK("[D:\Excel-testing\Products-Data.xlsx]ProductSheet!ProductList ", "Go to Product List")

Where Products-Data.xlsx is an external Excel file.