Excel VLOOKUP formula in openpyxl

In this tutorial, we will show you using VLOOKUP Excel function in openpyxl – A Python library.

Using Excel formulas in openyxl library

In this tutorial, we will show you using VLOOKUP Excel function in openpyxl – A Python library.

For the examples, we will use the following sample sheet:


An example of Excel VLOOKUP using openpyxl

In the program below, we will load the “openpyxl_ex.xlsx” Workbook. Then we specified the “Products” sheet.

After that, we assigned the VLOOKUP formula to the E16 cell.


from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb_vlookup = load_workbook('openpyxl_ex.xlsx')

sheet = wb_vlookup.active

#Specify cell where VLOOKUP formula is saved - it is E16

cell = sheet.cell(row=16, column=5)

#Providing Search term, Range, and column to search in

cell.value = "=VLOOKUP(B2,B2:D11,3,FALSE)"

#Save the sheet




How did it work?

  • The purpose of VLOOKUP function above is to return the Status of the given product.
  • We searched for B2 cell that contains “Wheat”
  • Our range to search is B2:D11
  • The 3 in VLOOPUP says to search in the Status column
  • E16 displays the result

You can see, E16 cell contains the status.

Taking user input for the look_up value

Let us make it more dynamic by taking the user input for the VLOOKUP’s look_up value argument.

As you execute the program below, it asks you to enter the product name for Status.

After entering a product, it will execute the VLOOKUP function and write the status in the E16 cell:

from openpyxl import load_workbook

wb_vlookup = load_workbook('openpyxl_ex.xlsx')

sheet = wb_vlookup.active

#Takign user inpot for product name

product_name = input("Enter a Product to Check Status: ")

#Specify cell where VLOOKUP formula is saved - it is E16

cell = sheet.cell(row=16, column=5)

#Using product name in the VLOOKUP with concatenation

cell.value = '=VLOOKUP("'+ product_name +'",B2:D11,3,FALSE)'

#Save the sheet



Enter a Product to Check Status: Dinner Set


Be careful when using concatenation, as entered text is passed in double quotes to the VLOOKUP.