2 Examples to use VBA CDate function

The CDate function converts an expression to date type.

CDate function in VBA

The CDate function converts an expression to date type.



Where expression can be string, cell text, etc.

An example of converting string to date

For demonstrating the CDate function, we have a string as follows:

Str_dt = “December 12, 2003”

We will convert this to date data type by CDate function and display in the message box:

Sub CDate_ex()

Dim str_dt

str_dt = "December 14, 2003"

MsgBox ("After Converting to Date: " & CDate(str_dt))

End Sub




An example of using Excel sheet with various date formats using CDate

In this example, we have text in the Excel sheet.

This text is dates in different formats. For example,

  • 21-Mar-15
  • Dec 25 2016
  • January, 1 2020
  • 12/24/2016
  • 2021, Mar 23

We will create a range of these cells. Then a For..Each loop is used to iterate through each cell of the range.

In each iteration, the CDate function is used to convert cell text to date.

See what we get:

Sub CDate_ex()

Dim rng_dt

Set rng_dt = Range("A2:A6")

Dim x

x = 2

For Each cell In rng_dt

    Range("B" & x) = CDate(cell)

    x = x + 1

Next cell

End Sub



You can see, all cell’s text with looking date is converted to date type and displayed in the adjacent B column cell.